Josh Mathis aka Fancy Pants Designer Guy

A Little Bit About Me

Born in the 80’s, I’ve lived in Texas my whole life. I’ve been hard at work making beautiful things in a variety of formats since 2007.

I got my start focusing on print design, working extensively on branding, publications, large-scale graphics, exhibits, and identity systems. After about 5 years, I started designing websites and have focused on mainly digital experiences ever since. Somewhere along the way, I started teaching myself front-end development, and have become proficient with HTML, CSS, and Javascript, allowing me to code the designs and UIs I create.

When I discovered Product Design, it was an almost instant love affair. From very early on in my education, I had been taught that design was supposed to be about solving problems, but in my experience, it often involved merely putting a pretty wrapper on something. Product is a type of design where the why matters as much as, if not more than, the way something looks. I am a lifelong learner, and combining that with my top strengths of strategy and ideation, Product Design turned out to be the perfect fit for me. Being able to focus on these problems and coming up with a creative and usable solution that focuses on the end-user and keeps in mind a client's goals as well is what excites me and keeps me coming back for more.

I believe that the best design comes from collaboration, involving not only designers but people from a multitude of roles. I was an Adjunct Professor for several graphic design classes at Texas Tech University and realized I also have a passion for helping teach design principles and strategy to others, whether they're students, interns, or other professionals. Getting to share my knowledge and experience with others to help them improve their craft is something I greatly enjoy.

When I'm not designing, most of my time is taken up by my daughter. She is a ball of energy and my wife and I are constantly just trying to keep up with her. In what little free time I do have, I enjoy being creative in other areas, such as woodworking, illustration and playing the piano. I'm always on the hunt for a good book to read, and although it's rare these days, I still enjoy playing video games. I also am a bourbon enthusiast, so if you need any recommendations on your next bottle or someone to sip it with, let me know!

Work History

Lead Designer

Primitive (Oct. 2021–May 2024)
  • Served as Creative and Technical Lead for web and software projects
  • Provided Design Feedback and Art Direction
  • Helped manage design team capacity and planned weekly sprints
  • Provided growth paths for design team members and helped mentor teammates to achieve goals

Senior Product Designer

Primitive (2017–Oct. 2021)
  • Implemented and lead design team meetings with the goal of fostering a community of collaboration in what was previously a siloed team
  • Collaborated closely with UX Research team to shape a vision for the products, making sure decisions were researched and data-backed for the best user experience
  • Mapped user flows and built wire-frames
  • Turned wire-frame ideas into high fidelity designs with a user-first focus
  • Created and maintained design systems to ensure design consistency
  • Created prototypes to test design solutions and to share designs with stakeholders
  • Iterated designs based on feedback and testing results
  • Lead a team of designers from 4 different agencies, and 3 different countries on a large-scale project for 2.5 years
  • Worked closely with engineering teams to ensure accurate translation of design vision
  • Presented all stages of design to clients
  • Provide design feedback and art direction to team of designers

Senior Web Designer + Developer

Texas Tech University (2015–2017)
  • Developed and implemented a cohesive visual style for AFISM and it’s related departments on both the web and in print.
  • Work directly with Admin & Finance staff and Directors to discover how to solve design issues and best implement these solutions
  • Create and design a wide variety of projects for web, including web sites, web apps, html emails, and interactive data visualizations
  • Front-end Development (including HTML, CSS and Javascript) of websites into the university's CMS

Adjunct Professor

Texas Tech University (2013–2015)
  • Created lessons, projects and developed lectures that challenge students’ understanding of complex visual sytems spanning from print to interactive design
  • Critique students and help them improve their design skills which will be needed upon graduation

Senior Web Designer

Landtroop Strategies (2015)

Graphic + Web Designer

Hartsfield Design (2009–2014)